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Basic Food Safety Picture


Food contamination could lead to unpleasant outcomes ranging from severe illness to loss of business for a catering outfit or restaurant. Food procurement, handling, processing and storage must be carried out with the utmost care to prevent contamination and spoilage of food. This course explains food contamination in detail and covers the measures, tools and regulations for safely handling food and managing a hygienic cooking area.

Cost: $150.00 USD
Duration : Self Pace


No pre-requisite is mandatory for persons who are interested in pursuing our Basic Safety program.   

To register

1. please click on the below button

2. Click Join

3. You would then receive an approval email/link

4. Click on the link to begin sign up/payment

5. Once payment is received you will have access to our e-learning HACCP platform.

NOTE: Certificate is valid for 3 years
in which re-certification is recommended.
The IIFSH offers 15% off re-certification fees.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

To achieve this qualification, a candidate must learn:

In This Free Course, You Will Learn How To

  • Identify foods with a high risk of contamination and individuals vulnerable to contaminated food

  • First In First Out 

  • Explain the importance of a food safety management system (FSMS)

  • Classify causes of food poisoning

  • Define ‘cross-contamination’

  • Illustrate the importance of temperature control to food safety

  • Identify some tools for monitoring food and kitchen temperature

  • Outline some proven methods of preventing food spoilage

  • Describe some considerations for designing functional catering premises

  • Identify some common pests that are likely to contaminate food

  • Describe the training requirements for different kinds of staff in a catering organization

Assessment and Grading

Attainment of the Learning Outcomes will be assessed by IIFSH international committee members ensuring the candidate has been deemed successful in answering the 50 multiple choice questions. Candidates who fail to reach the minimum standard for the Pass grade of 75% will be recorded as having failed the assessment and will not receive a certificate.


If you were unsuccessful in your examination, you will be required to re-write the examination. Please note, participants re-writing the Basic Food Safety examination will pay a considerable fee a 50% discounted rate.

In order to be awarded a certificate, candidates must be able to recall relevant knowledge and demonstrate a high level of understanding of the principles and concepts of HACCP management.

Candidates who attain a mark of 75% or greater will be deemed to have achieved the criteria for certification.


Persons interested in our Basic Food Safety program can do a direct deposit or online payment of both program fee and registration fee. Once the payment is made a copy of your receipt will be required as proof of payment order to commence the online Basic Food Safety training. 

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